Brad Appleton's C++ Links

Last update: Thu Feb 26 16:29:22 CST 1998

Brad Appleton
Software Tools Developer

153 links to C++ on the World Wide Web.

Detailed Table of Contents

C++ Resources and Directories

The Unofficial C++ Home Page
Cetus Links: C++
Genitor C/C++ Developer Resources
Quadralay's C++ Resources Archive
C/C++ Programming Page
C/C++ Users Journal
C++ Resources, Bjarne Stroustroup
The C++ Virtual Library
C++ Website,
C++ WWW Sites, Robert Davies
Chris Oldcorn's Comprehensive C++ Resources
EG3 C++ Internet Resources
Comeau's C++ Resource Page's Ask the C++ Pro
Jon's C++ Resources Directory
STL Resources, Stanford
STL Resource List, Cyberport
STL Links, KVSH Software
Available C++ Libraries FAQ (Web Index)
List of C++ Libraries and Projects
C++ Libraries for Various Applications
C++ Development & Testing Tools
North Eastern Programmers Network
NEPN is a free information service provided by Diio Software for programmers everywhere. We publish a newsletter monthly, which is available right here on our homepage. or thtough our E-Mailing List. The purpose of this Homepage and newsletter is to provide programmers with a FREE source of programming techniques and info on new products and langauges. The main focus of NEPN thus far has been C++ Programming, but we are always taking articles from people like YOU for our newsletter.
RSM C++ Software Engineering Resources
PERCEPS is a Perl script designed to parse C++ header files and automatically generate documentation in a variety of formats based on the class definitions and comment information found in those files. This allows you to comment your code and generate useful documentation at the same time with no extra effort. PERCEPS can be useful as a documentation tool for C++ class libraries or as a simple but effective collaboration tool for other projects.
ACCU WWW - Links to Other C and C++ Resources
Bjarne Stroustrup's home page
Cay Horstmann's Home Page
Scott Meyers Home Page
Quintessoft C++ Links
Otis' Perl and C++ Links

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C++ Projects and Working Groups

Association of C & C++ Users WWW
C/C++ Users Group (CUG) Home Page
Acacia - the C++ Information Abstraction System
ACACIA, the C++ Information Abstraction System, is a collection of analysis and reverse engineering tools for C++: CCia creates a program database from C++ source files to store information about C++ program entities (functions, variables, types, macros and files) and their relationships.
ACT++ is a system for concurrent and distributed object-oriented programming in C++. The source code and documentation for the system are freely available as are research papers written about the system.
CIA - the C Information Abstraction system
CIA, the C Information Abstraction System, is a collection of reverse enginnering tools for C: cia creates a program database from C source files to store information about C program entities (functions, variables, types, macros, and files) and their relationships.
The C++ Version of CLASSIC (the Knowledge Representation System)
CLASSIC is a knowledge representation(KR) system designed for applications where only limited expressive power is necessary, but rapid responses to questions are essential. CLASSIC is based on a description logic(DL), which gives it an object-centered flavor, and thus most of the features available in semantic networks are also available in CLASSIC. CLASSIC has a framework that allows users to represent descriptions, concepts, roles, individuals and rules. CLASSIC allows for both primitive concepts, similar to the classes and frames of other knowledge representation systems and object-oriented programming languages, and defined concepts, i.e., concepts that have both necessary and sufficient conditions for membership. Concepts are automatically organized into a generalization taxonomy and objects are automatically made instances of all concepts for which they pass the membership test. The other type of reasoning that CLASSIC does is to detect inconsistencies in information that it is told. In the presence of defined concepts these operations are non-trivial and useful.
Embedded C++
Amulet Project Home Page
Amulet is a user interface development environment for C++ and is portable across X11 on all kinds of Unix (Sun, Dec, HP, SGI, Linux, NetBSD, etc.), Microsoft Windows 95 and NT, and the Macintosh. Amulet helps you create graphical, interactive user interfaces for your software. More than just another free virtual toolkit, Amulet includes many features specifically designed to make the creation of highly-interactive, graphical, direct manipulation user interfaces significantly easier, including a prototype-instance object model, constraints, high-level input handling including automatic undo, built-in support for animation and gesture-recognition, and a full set of widgets.
The Cocoon Utilities
The Genesis Project
The Genesis class library solely targets the development of business models in C++. It offers the following features: bullet-proof implementation of attributes and associations; scalable object persistency, ranging from file oriented databases to enterprise sql servers; customizable database interface at different levels of abstraction; reusable design patterns like the subject-observer pattern and smart pointers; high portability due to ANSI C++ compliance.
GNU Nana: C/C++ assertions and logging
John's PCCTS-based C++ Parser Page
KSVH Free C++ Software Components
MySQL - ODBC and SQL server
MySQL is a SQL (Structured Query Language) database server. MySQL was written in C/C++ by Michael (monty) Widenius.
OmniBroker Home Page
A CORBA-compliant, C++ object request broker
OpenC++ Home Page
OpenC++ is a version of C++ with a Metaobject Protocol. It provides a powerful toolkit for building extensions to C++. OpenC++ enables you to do things like the following, which are difficult to do in regular C++: Developing extensions to C++, to provide support for things like parallelism, distribution, concurrency, and persistence; Adding domain-, application-, or class-specific compiler optimizations; Building your own version of (runtime) MOP for C++.
OSE Home Page
OSE is a collection of programming tools and libraries targeted mainly at C++ programmers. The environment has been developed with the aim of improving programmer productivity through making the goal of reuse achievable, and by reducing the time developers need to devote to managing the infrastructure supporting the day to day tasks of programming. There are three major components in OSE. These are a C++ class library, a build environment and a set of documentation extraction tools. The C++ class library includes support for error handling, error message logging, error recovery, program debugging, memory management, resource management, generic collections, text manipulation, date and time arithmetic, operating system interfacing and event driven systems.
Panorama C/C++ for software testing, QA, and maintenance
The aim of Para++ is to provide C++ bindings to use any message passing library. With it, the use of Message Passing libraries is simplified and more attractive, without significant performances lost. To ensure portability, Para++ is fully implemented with PVM and MPI, so that you can run the same Para++ program on both message passing libraries.
pC++/Sage++ Information Home Page
pC++ is a portable parallel C++ for high performance computers. pC++ is a language extention to C++ that permits data-parallel style opertations using "collections of objects" from some base "element" class. Member functions from this element class can be applied to the entire collection in parallel. This allows programmers to compose distributed data structures with parallel execution semantics. These distributed structures can be aligned and distributed over the memory hierarchy of the parallel machine much like HPF. pC++ also include a mechanism for encapsulating SPMD style computation in a thread-based computing model. Sage++ is an object-oriented compiler preprocessor toolkit.
R++: Rules in C++
R++ is ``rules in C++''. R++ is an extension to C++ that bridges the gap between object-oriented programming and data-driven (rule-based) programming. Programs written in R++ have all the facilities of C++ plus a new programming construct: a rule. A rule is like an ``IF-THEN'' statement, but it sits apart from the procedural code and is triggered automatically upon changes to the data that it monitors. In effect, rules monitor object memory and react when their ``IF'' clause becomes true.
San Francisco Bay Area C++ SIG
Sponge C++ Reusable Components
SWIG - Simplified Wrapper and Interface Generator

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C++ Libraries


ByteWave's STL Web Site
C++ and STL Resources
The C++ STL
Design Generalization in STL, Mike Vilot
The Dinkum ANSI/ISO C/C++ Library Reference
The Dinkum Standard Template Library Reference
Information About IOstreams
A modest STL tutorial
Mumit's STL Newbie guide
Safe STL
Standard Template Library
STL and Generic Programming Links
STL Documentation: Class Index
The STL Made Simple
STL Programmer's Guide, SGI
The Standard Template Library Tutorial
STL Intro, Mike Vilot
SGI Standard Template Library Adaptation Effort
Understanding the C++ Standard Template Library

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Blitz++ Numerical Library Home Page
C++ and STL Resources
C++SIM Home Page
C++SIM is an object-oriented simulation package written in C++. It provides discrete event process-based simulation similar to SIMULA's simulation class and libraries.
C++ Template Functor callback lib
C/C++ Users Journal: Source Code Links
C Library of Practical Abstractions
Code Farms C++ Class Library and Persistent Data
CNCL: Communication Networks Class Library
CNCL is a C++ class library. It supports persistent objects in a tree structured class hierarchy. Key features include event driven simulation, translation of SDL/PR to C++, development of fuzzy logic controllers and expert systems, and interfacing to DEC and Communication Network graphics
Header File for an Array Class
JX - A C++ Application Framework for X11
The LEDA Library
LEDA stands for Library of Efficient Data-structures and Algorithms. It is a library of the data types and algorithms of combinatorial computing.
The MFC Professional - A Visual C++ programmer's dream come true
The MetaKit Home Page
The MetaKit Library is a software development library for data storage and easy manipulation of structured objects and collections in C++. If you need bulky, powerful database functions look elsewhere, but if you need a small self-contained library to store structured data, then take a look.
MFC Visual C++ FAQ's Ask the MFC Pro
Libretto - generic container C library
The OPaC Project
OPaC is a C++ class library currently available for Win32. It is planned to become available on any X11 based UNIX system, on Macintosh, OS/2 and on miscellaneous other platforms. OPaC provides toolbox which allows building graphical user interfaces in a few mouse clicks even while the application is running. Connections between the GUI and the application can be implemented without any coding : just drag and drop properties at run-time.
ObjectSpace Systems ToolKit C++ Library
Persistent Hash Trees
Qt - a C++ GUI application framework
STL and Generic Programming Links
STLport - STL Adaptation Page
Simplifying The Booch Components
Template Composite Operators Download Page
Composite operators are operators that are not limited to the pair-wise evaluation of the built-in operators- they are called with all of the operands of an entire expression or subexpression, allowing advanced optimisations to be performed, and avoiding the temporary production of the built-in operators. This library adds composite operator support to C++ by using the draft standard template facilities- it is an extension of the expression templates technique.
Trace - a C++ diagnostic trace package
User's Guide to the GNU C++ Library - Table of Contents
Views - a C++ Standard Template Library extension.
The Xarm Home Page
The Xarm library is a C++ wrapper of the Motif library and the Xmext library. This is intended as a tool to help individuals that program with Motif & C++. An attempt was made to follow the inheritance structure of the Motif widget set.

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C++ Training, Tutorials and Publications

ANSI/ISO C++ Draft
C++ - Beyond the ARM
C++ Annotations
C++ Documentation
C++ Expression Templates
C++ Programming Language Tutorial Handouts
C++ Report Columns, Articles, Code
C++ Report Columns on DOC
C++ Signatures
Roughly, signatures are type abstractions or interfaces of classes. They are related to ML's signatures, categories in Axiom, definition modules in Modula-2, interface modules in Modula-3, and types in POOL-I. The main language constructs added to C++ to provide this feature are signatures and signature pointers.
C++ Standards FAQ
C++ Standards and Architecture, Nat Myers
C++ Tips and Tricks, Allan Clarke
C++ Toolbox, ACM SIGPLAN
C++ Training Page, NASA CCS
C++ Usenet FAQs - comp.lang.c++
CNTC Resources: C++ Guru of the Week
CU Arcadia C++ Papers
Documents/Sources for C++ and OOP
Esa's C++ Programming Techniques page
Framework-Based Software Development in C++
Genitor - Building a Rapid ODE
Genitor is a suite of development tools that assists C/C++ developers in implementing and reusing objects. A graphical editing environment lets developers rapidly construct any kind of class, function, struct, union, or template. Genitor stores objects in one or more shared repositories. Powerful search capabilities help users quickly locate and reuse objects developed by any member of their project team. Genitor generates compiler-ready code as well as printed and online documentation.
Glen McCluskey's C++ Tutorials
GNA - Intro to OOP with C++
Gnarly New C++ Language Features
Information About IOstreams
Intro to C++ : Online Course/Slides
Learning C++
OOP with C++ : Online Course/Slides
Overload - the C++ SIG Newsletter
Porting C++ to Java: Index
Smart pointer templates in C++
The Programmer's Source - C & C++ Literature & Tutorials
Understanding C++ Class Hierarchies
Understanding C++: An Accelerated Intro
Valentin Bonnard's C++ Guides
Visual C++ Developers Journal

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C++ Coding Conventions

C and C++ Style Guides Listing
C++ Style Guide
C++ Code Inspection Checklist
C, C++, & Java Coding Standards, NASA CCS
C Portability Guide, WUCS
C Style Guide, WUCS
C++ Coding Conventions, Dan Wallach
C++ Coding Standard, Todd Hoff
Ellemtel's C++ Coding Conventions
Indian Hill C Style and Coding Standard
Ottinger's Rules for Variable and Class Naming
SES C++ Coding Conventions
Taligent's Guide to Well-mannered C++

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