Brad Appleton's Software Architecture Links

Last update: Thu Feb 26 16:29:03 CST 1998

Brad Appleton
Software Tools Developer

61 links to Software Architecture on the World Wide Web.

Software Architecture Resources

David Garlan's Home Page
Dewayne Perry's Architecture page
EDCS Home Page
The Evolutionary Design of Complex Software (EDCS) Program, sponsored by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), addresses the need for military systems to evolve over extended lifetimes. The program is based on the observation that the most likely way to make an existing system adapt to changes in its operational environment is through changing its software. The program examines the ways that software can be created to be more easily evolved, defines methods for incremental adaptation of systems through software changes, and seeks ways to migrate the currently installed base of military systems to more evolutionary syste
Logical Frameworks
Mary Shaw's Home Page
Paul's Architecture Home Page
Rick Kazman's Architecture page
SERL - Software Architecture Research
Software Architecture at IDA-LIU
Software Architecture at SRI
There are two major projects in the area of software architecture: one is focused the development of fundamental enabling technology and the other on applying it in the development of a useful architectural standard. Both projects are multiyear and involve collaboration with researchers at Stanford University.
Software Architecture Resource Sites
Software Architecture resources, Gert Florijn
Survivability Architectures
UCI Software Architecture Research
Work in Software Architecture at the SEI

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Sw-Arch Projects, Groups and Conferences

Caltech Archetypes/eText Project
The Caltech Archetypes/eText project combines work in two areas: an investigation of programming archetypes, where a programming archetype (briefly) is an abstraction from a class of programs with a common structure and includes class-specific design strategies and a collection of example program designs and implementations. an experimental electronic textbook, with content based on the idea of programming archetypes.
Chopshop Project at CMU
The Chopshop Project aims to provide practical program analysis and visualization tools to assist with real software engineering tasks.
ABLE Project at CMU
Carnegie Mellon University's ABLE project is concerned with exploring the formal basis for Software Architecture, developing the concept of Architectural Style, and building tools that practicing software architects might find useful. Our tool development effort has focused on the Aesop system, a toolkit for rapidly producing software architecture design and analysis environments that are customized to support specific architectural styles. The formal work revolves around the Wright language.
ACME is a generic software architecture description language designed to support the interchange of architectural designs between software architecture design environments and other tools. By utilizing a diverse set of design tools architects will gain more design leverage than they would have at their disposal if they used only a single toolset.
ARCS: Architecture and Composition of Software
he ARCS research group is formed by researchers from the University of Karlskrona/Ronneby and the University of Kalmar. Within ARCS we study the architecture of software systems and the composition of software components in such systems, primarily from the perspective of the object-oriented paradigm. This indicates that our approach to software architecture is influenced by our experiences in object-oriented frameworks and class libraries, design patterns and advanced object-oriented computation models.
Association for Software Design
The association for Software Design is a non-profit organization dedicated to elevating the status of software design as a profession.
Composable Software Systems at CMU
The objectives of the Composable Software Systems Group are to provide a scientific and engineering basis for designing, building, and analyzing composable software systems; and to provide languages, tools, environments, and techniques to support these activities. We focus on three research areas: software architecture, formal methods, and tractable software analysis. We develop new models, theories, methods, languages, and tools for classifying, specifying, analyzing, and designing software systems beyond the component level. This support could lead to substantial reduction in maintenance costs, improvement in software reuse, and increase in quality of software.
Concurrent Systems Architecture Group
Research in CSAG focuses on hardware and software architecture issues in parallel computer systems (e.g. MPP's, scalable servers, and clusters of high performance workstations). Computer systems design involves a cooperative effort between software and hardware designers; our research efforts reflect this blend, including efforts to build parallel programming systems, scalable input/output systems, and high speed communication software and hardware. These projects emphasize the development of innovative designs and their evaluation, based on actual implementations. CSAG is led by Andrew Chien.
Design Variation and Architecture Workshop
INCOSE Systems Architecture Working Group
ISAW-2 Software Architecture Workshop
OSL and SAA Home Page
The Systems for Advanced Architecture (SSA) and the Object Systems Laboratories (OSL) are part of the Computer Science Department at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst.
Proposal-Based Architecture (PBA)
Proposal-Based Architecture is a new way of structuring transactional business applications that makes them easier to build and use. PBA features a new software component called a "Proposal," which sits in the center of a transactional application and acts as coordinator between the consumer at the front end (usually, but not necessarily, a human user) and the back-end resources that the consumer seeks to update. Where current transactional technology uses intricate programming to put these two parties in direct touch with one another, PBA separates them and puts an intermediary in between. Developers no longer hard-wire UI to database manager in huge, monolithic, front-to-back applications. Users no longer engage in real-time transactional "sessions" with the back-end software. The Proposal decouples the front from the back. It opens up a space between them where a new sort of intelligence can expedite the jobs of both developers and users.
Rapide Project at Stanford
The Rapide Language effort focuses on developing a new technology for building large-scale, distributed multi-language systems. This technology is based upon a new generation of computer languages, called Executable Architecture Definition Languages (EADLs), and an innovative toolset supporting the use of EADLs in evolutionary development and rigorous analysis of large-scale systems.
Software Composition Group
The Software Composition Group conducts research into the use of object technology and related approaches for the development of flexible, open software systems. The group is led by Prof. Oscar Nierstrasz.
TiAC - the Info Architect's Co-op
Vitruvius Project at CMU
The goal of the Vitruvius project is to elucidate the architectural level of abstraction so that the collective experience of successful architects can be captured, organized, and made available to ordinary practioners.

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Sw-Arch Guides and Papers

Architectural Styles and Design Patterns for Distributed Objects
Alexander L. Wolf - Publications
Comments on Salingaros papers on Architecture
Conducting a Software Architecture Assessment
CU Arcadia Software Architecture Papers
Fundamental Facts about O-O Architecture
Good Architecture for O-O IS
Issues in Software Architecture
Jan Bosch's Papers
Large System Issues in Architecture
Mathematician sums up laws of Architecture
Model Problems in Software Architecture
Nikos A. Salingaros, contributions to architecture
Object Idea's Architecture Concepts
OOP Transience to Persistence: Architectures & Patterns
PBA White Paper
Reuse Contracts
SEI Software Architecture Definitions Page
Selected Software Architecture Papers
Software Architecture - Issues in Software Architecture
Software Architecture Course - U. of Waterloo
Software Architecture Reading group
STARS Software Architecture Technology Guide
S/W Product-line Architecture
The 4+1 View Model of Architecture
Three Concepts of System Architecture
Towards an Algebraic Framework of Configurations
USC Software Architectures Research Description
Vitruvius Publications

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